Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Quick Update !!

I know you are probably getting tired of me saying how busy I am all the time !! This is no exception !! I just thought I would drop a little note to tell you what has been going on the last week:

D'Nae: she had District Cross-Country yesterday. She hates Cross-Country by the way..ha ha. She gets to start after school basketball work-outs tomorrow the 22nd. She is super thrilled about that and can't wait. Friday night is Borden County's big rival game with Sands. The winner should be the District Champion.

Rhaeden: he had his first ever play-off game Saturday at Hale Center and they lost 6-0. It was a very frustrating game. The kids played good and it just crushed them all to lose. But...the kids were HUGE !!! They had one kid that was kicking 27 yard field goals before the game. Amazing to me to be so young..10-12 year olds. They will play their final game Saturday at home in the Holiday Bowl (all the teams get to play a "bowl" game). It is just nice to give them one more chance. They will lose only 4 players so we have a lot to look forward too next year !!

Maegen: she just goes anywhere and everywhere that I take her with very little complaints. She had gymnastics yesterday and I think is enjoying it a little more every week. It is just something new and she is just a little nervous about it.

LaShae: she took her lab final Monday and will take her classroom exam Wednesday. On Thursday she will have surgery to remove her gall bladder. Hopefully she won't have any complications and will be able to get up and get moving rather quickly. She is suppose to start clinicals on Monday the 27th.

I forgot to wish my brother-in-law Jeremy a Happy Birthday yesterday !! Sorry...